
Original Translation

"Choose one" Questions

questionschoose one
  1. Bad haircut or bad dye job?

  2. Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

  3. Talking pets or talking babies?

  4. Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?

  5. Misquoted movies or mistaken lyrics?

  6. Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

  7. Glass half full or glass half empty?

  8. Ketchup or ranch?

  9. Phone in bathroom or no phone in bathroom?

  10. Sort by price or by rating?

  11. Sauce on the side or sauce on top?

  12. Crunchy peanut butter or smooth peanut butter?

  13. Zombies or vampires?

  14. Funny story or one-liner?

  15. Bad breath or body odor?

  16. Working hard or hardly working?

  17. Sneezing or coughing?

  18. Robots or dinosaurs?

  19. Fainting or spit take?

  20. Speeding ticket or parking ticket?

  21. Comedian in serious film or serious actor in comedy film?

  22. Silly hats or silly socks?

  23. Instagram famous or infomercial famous?

  24. A store where every item is free or a restaurant where every dish is calorie free?

  25. Passwords or secret handshakes?

  26. Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?

  27. Babies dressed as animals or animals dressed as humans?

Ivan Tishkevich
Created: 1/14/2025Updated: 1/14/2025
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