
Original Translation



Firstly, give everyone playing a pencil and paper.

The way to win this game is to come up with the most unique things that have legs that start with the chosen letter.

Randomly select a letter from the alphabet and then start a two minute timer. Everyone now has two minutes to write down as many things that have legs that start with the chosen letter.

For example, if the letter was "C" , they could write:







Once the time is up, players will take it in turns to read through the words in their list. If someone else has written the same word, they call out, and both players will need to cross out the duplicate word. Once everyone has had a chance to read through their lists, players will count up their remaining words that aren't crossed out - the player with the most words wins!

(For international groups - you can write words in English, Lithuanian and other languages at the same time. But the first letter must look exactly the same)

Ivan Tishkevich
Created: 1/14/2025Updated: 1/27/2025
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